MA 341H-040
Applied Differential Equations I

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Each student in MA 341H is required to complete a project. The project counts 10% of your grade.
Here is a list of possible projects. Alternatively, you can
choose a project that is not on this list, provided I approve it before Friday, Oct. 19.
From the textbook:
- Project 1B Picard's Method
- Project 2A Torricelli's Law of Fluid Flow
- Project 2C Two Snowplows
- Project 2D Clairaut Equations and Singular Solutions
- Project 2E Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Linear Equations
- Project 3A Aquaculture
- Project 3B Curve of Pursuit
- Project 3C Aircraft Guidance in a Crosswind
- Project 3D Feedback and the Op Amp
- Project 3E Bang-Bang Controls
- Project 3F Price, Supply and Demand
- Project 3G Stability of Numerical Methods
- Project 3H Period Doubling and Chaos
- Project 4B An Alternative to the Method of Undetermined Coeffi-
- Project 4C Convolution Method
- Project 4E Nonlinear Equations Solvable by First-Order Techniques
- Project 4F Apollo Reentry
- Project 4G Simple Pendulum
- Project 5A The Growth of a Tumor
- Project 5B Designing a Landing System for Interplanetary Travel
- Project 5C Things That Bob
- Project 5G Cleaning Up the Great Lakes
I may add more projects to this list.
You must form a group of three or four students to do the project. You must tell me your group and your choice of project by Friday, Oct. 19. Each group will do a different project. The choice of project is first come, first served, so you have a better chance of getting your preferred project if you tell me earlier.
Each group must hand in a written report that provides a well-organized and detailed solution of its problem. There is no minimum
length for the report, but the
report should not exceed ten pages, excluding graphs, figures, etc.
Include only graphs and figures that are required to adequately
present your solution: a picture is worth 1000 words, but 1000 pictures are worth nothing. The report may be hand-written, prepared
using word processing software, or a mixture of both. It must be turned in by the last day of class (Friday, Dec. 7).
Each group will give an in-class presentation of its project.
The presentations will last 15 minutes: 12-minute
presentation plus 3 minutes for questions. You may present your project using an overhead projector or a laptop computer; our classroom has both an overhead projector and an LCD projector.
Not all members of your group need to participate in the presentation. The presentations will be on Nov. 30, Dec. 3, and Dec. 5; I will assign each group a day well in advance.
Each group member receives the same project
grade. The project grade (10% of the course grade) will be broken down as:
report 7%, presentation 3%. The grade for your
report (7%) will be broken down as: accuracy and completeness 5%, organization and clarity 2%. The grade for your presentation will be based on accuracy, organization, and
Oct. 19: Last day to tell me your group and project. If your project is not on the list above, it should be approved before this day.
Nov. 30, Dec. 3, Dec. 5: In-class presentations of projects.
Dec. 7: Written report due.
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Last modified Mon Oct 15 2007
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