MA 532-001 Fall 2012
Ordinary Differential Equations I

Ordinary Differential Equations by Schaeffer and Cain | Feedback on text
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Gerald Teschl
Course policies |
Readings and resources |
Homework |
Test study guides |
Piazza |
Grade Book
Course Policies
E-mail and Piazza
I will frequently communicate with you by e-mail. E-mail will go to the address listed for you in the NC State Campus Directory. To change your e-mail address, click on "Update My Directory Listing."
You can use Piazza for online discussions about homework, etc. Please use Piazza for questions about course material, homework, tests, etc.
I will assign homework regularly by e-mail to be turned in and graded. Homework assignments are also listed on the homework page.
You will divide into pairs to do homework assignments. Each pair of students should work on the assignment together and submit one assignment for the pair. Both students in the pair should understand all submitted answers and agree with them. Both students in the pair will get the same grade.
Please feel free to discuss homework all you want with students from other pairs or with me. However, each pair of students should write up solutions itself. You should not (of course) copy them.
Please see the University guidelines on academic integrity (Code of Student Conduct, items 8 and 9).
Each homework assignment has a due date. It must be submitted as a single pdf file by 11:45 p.m. on that day through Wolfware. Questions after 5 p.m on the due date may not be answered by the instructor!
For submission instructions, see the WolfWare FAQ and scroll down to "Submit: How to Submit", or use this direct link. You will have to submit as a single student; just make sure both your names are on the paper.
WolfWare only allows submission of files up to 8 mb. If your file is bigger, you should compress it. With a Mac, open the PDF file in Preview, click on Save As, and choose Reduce File Size from the choices under Quartz Filter.
If you type your homework, for example with Microsoft Word, it should be easy to save it as a pdf file and submit it.
If you write out your homework, you can use a scanner to produce a pdf file.
If your scanner produces a different file type, you can use a free web site such as PictureResize to convert it to a pdf file. (After you convert your file, you must click on "Download.") Alternatively, with a Mac you can click on Print in the File menu, then on PDF in the popup window, then on Save as PDF.
If your scanner produces a separate pdf file for each page, you can use a free web site, such as Merge PDF, or software such as Adobe Acrobat, to merge your separate pdf files into a single pdf file. With a Mac, you can use Preview to merge your files; google "mac preview merge pdf" for more information.
There is a scanner available for student use in SAS 2105 (hours).
Once your homework is graded, you can retrieve it through the Retrieve Assignments link on Wolfware.
- Homework: 1/3
- Two one-hour tests: 1/6 each
- Final: 1/3
- 97=A+, 93=A, 90=A-, etc.
Tests are closed-book.
If you miss a test, I will need a letter documenting the reason. Makeup tests can only be given for reasons such as illness, emergency, participation in a University-sponsored event, required court attendance or military duty, or religious observances as certified by the Department of Student Development.
If you know you will be absent on a test date, you must clear the absence with me in advance and schedule a makeup date. In the case of an unanticipated absence on a test date, you must give me documentation and schedule a makeup date as soon as possible. See theUniversity policy on attendance and scroll down to "Excused Absences."
The final exam is Wednesday, December 5, 1 - 4 p.m., in the usual room.
Students with Disabilities
Information on NC State services for students with disabilities can be found here.
Instructor's home page
Last modified Sun Sep 16 2012
Send questions or comments to schecter@ncsu.edu