MA 440-001
Game Theory

MA 440-001 Home Page
Semester: Fall 2011
Meeting time: MWF 1:30 - 2:20 p.m.
Meeting place: SAS 2225
Instructor: Stephen Schecter
E-mail address: schecter@math.ncsu.edu
Office location: SAS 3226
Office hours: MTWHF 9:10 - 10:00 a.m.
Office telephone number: 515-6533
Office fax number: 513-7336
Course Description
Game theory is not only about how to play games; it's about any situation that involves conflict or cooperation. Since the work of John Nash that was shown in the film "A Beautiful Mind", game theory has emerged as a basic language for the social, behavioral, and economic sciences, and even as a way to look at literature and morality. Originally the idea was to find the best strategies for rational opponents; today the emphasis is more on the ability of good strategies to spread by virtue of their success. Hence game theory is now used to understand animal behavior and evolution.
There will be an optional paper for students who want to satisfy the major paper requirement or who want honors credit.
The course should be of interest to students in economics, biology, and other fields.
The text for the course is the online Notes on Game Theory. I suggest that you not print the online notes. Instead, download the pdf file and read it on your screen using Adobe Reader or a similar program. There are two reasons:
- The pdf file includes clickable links between the various parts and links to web pages.
- I will no doubt revise the notes from time to time, for example when you point out a mistake!
At the end of the preface to the notes is a list of changes since the beginning of the semester. The date of the most recent change is November 2, 2011.
Notes on Game Theory
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Last modified Wed Nov 2 2011
Send questions or comments to schecter@math.ncsu.edu