MA 732-001 Spring 2013
Ordinary Differential Equations II

Ordinary Differential Equations by Schaeffer and Cain | Feedback on text
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Gerald Teschl
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MA 732-001 Home Page
Semester: Spring 2013
Meeting time: MWF 12:25 - 13:15
Meeting place: Poe 529
Instructor: Stephen Schecter
E-mail address: schecter@math.ncsu.edu
Office location: SAS 3226
Office hours: MTWHF 10:15 - 11:05 a.m.
Office telephone number: 919-515-6533
Office fax number: 919-513-7336
Course Description
Theory and techniques of ordinary differential equations, and applications. MA 532 covered linear systems, existence and uniqueness theory, linearization, and stability of equilibria. MA 732 will cover stable and unstable manifolds, periodic solutions, and local and global bifurcations.
The syllabus for this course consists of this page and the page
Course policies.
Ordinary Differential Equations: a Bridge between Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics by David G. Schaeffer and John W. Cain. This is a new text that will be finished in the course of this academic year; it is a free download that will be updated occasionally. The authors are David Schaeffer (Duke) and John Cain (University of Richmond). John Cain was an undergraduate at NC State (BS 1998).
If you find mistakes in the text, or if you have suggestions for the authors, please let me know, or directly give the authors anonymous feedback.
MA 532 covered Chapters 1 through 4 and part of 5. MA 732 will cover the rest.
Supplementary text: Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Gerald Teschl. This text was just published by the American Mathematical Society in its Graduate Studies in Mathematics series (vol. 140, 2012), but the author also makes it available as a free download.
Please check the Readings and resources page for what to read in these books and in supplementary resources.
Instructor's home page
Last modified Fri Jan 4 2013
Send questions or comments to schecter@ncsu.edu