MA 426-001
Mathematical Analysis II
Reviewing for the Final Exam
The test will cover material from Chapters 1 to 8.
For Chapters 1 to 7, you can use the review sheets for Tests 1 and 2.
Chapter 8
- 8.1. Basic definitions, statement of Riemann's Criterion. Homework assigned April 14, problem 2.
- 8.2. Volume. Statement of equivalent condition for volume 0 given in lecture. Proof that the graph of a continuous function f from [a,b] to R has volume 0. Homework assigned April 14, problems 3 - 5.
- 8.3. Statement of our junior version of Lebesgue's Theorem.
- 8.4. Statement of properties (i) to (v) of the integral. Homework assigned April 14, problem 1.
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Last modified Mon Apr 28 2003
Send questions or comments to schecter@math.ncsu.edu