MA 425-002
Mathematical Analysis I
Course Policies
Class attendance
Students are expected to arrive on time, to contribute to group work and class discussions, and to stay until the class ends.
I will assign homework regularly to be turned in and graded. If you miss class please check the homework page.
Please feel free to discuss homework all you want with other students or with me. However, you should write up your solutions yourself. You should not copy them. (Duh.)
Please see the University guidelines on academic integrity.
There will be two tests and a final exam. For dates see the schedule.
If you miss a test, I will need a letter documenting the reason. Makeup tests can only be given for reasons such as illness, family emergency, participation in a University-sponsored event, required court attendance or military duty, or religious observances as certified by the Department of Student Development.
If you know you will be absent on a test date, you must clear the absence with me in advance and schedule a makeup date. In the case of an unanticipated absence on a test date, you must give me documentation and schedule a makeup date as soon as possible. See the University policies, items 1 and 2.
- Homework counts 2/9 of your grade.
- Each in-class test counts 2/9 of your grade.
- The final counts 1/3 of your grade.
You may use WebCT to check your grades. Please let me know if any are incorrect. There is also a class discussion board on WebCT.
Students with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accomodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation here.
Statement on Laboratory Safety or Risk Assumption Related to Physical Activity or Field Trips
Students have no special physical activity or field trips for this course.
Statement on "Pass-through" Charges
There are no such charges for this course.
MA 425-002 home page
Text and schedule
Homework |
Hints and answers
Test study guides | WebCT
Instructor's home page
Last modified Mon Jan 23 2006
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