MA 242-005
Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

Material to Review for the Final Exam
9.1 - 9.4. Three-dimensional space, vectors, dot product, projection, cross product, determinant. Test 1 problem 1.
9.5. Planes and lines. Test 1 problems 2, 3.
9.6. Quadric surfaces. Test 1 problem 4.
10.1 - 10.4. Space curves, arc length, velocity and acceleration, unit tangent and normal vectors, curvature. Test 1 problem 5.
11.1. Functions of several variables: domain, graph, level curves, level surfaces. (Omit limits and continuity in 11.2.) Test 2 problem 1.
11.3 - 11.7. Partial derivatives, tangent plane, approximation, chain rule, directional derivative, gradient, max-min problems. Test 2 problems 2, 3, 4, 5.
12.1 - 12.5, 12.7. Double and triple integrals; polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates; mass; reversing order of integration. (Omit the calculation of Riemann sums in 12.1, and omit moments and center of mass in 12.5.) Test 3 all problems.
13.1 - 13.5. Vector fields, line integrals, mass of a wire, conservative vector fields and potential functions, Green's theorem, curl and divergence. Test 4 problems 1, 2, 3.
10.5, 12.6. Parametric surfaces, tangent plane, surface area. Test 4 problem 4.
13.6 - 13.8. Surface integrals, flux integrals, Stokes' Theorem and Divergence Theorem. Recent homework.
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Last modified Mon Dec 1 2003
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