MA 114-001
Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications

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Test 3 is Thursday, October 22.
The test will be on Secs. 4.1 - 4.5.
Calculators may be used for arithmetic only.
Please bring a blue book for taking the test. If you do not, we will still grade your test, but we will not be responsible if part of it is lost.
Things you should be able to do:
Sec. 4.1. Describe sets by listing elements or by giving a rule; tell when two sets are equal; list the subsets of small sets; give the complement of a set; use the notation correctly.
Sec. 4.2. Draw Venn diagrams; name the elements in sets constructed using union, intersection and complement.
Sec. 4.3. Use Venn diagrams to count the elements in various sets.
Sec. 4.4. Use tree diagrams and the multiplication principle.
Sec. 4.5. Work problems involving permutations and combinations, including mixed problems.
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Last modified Fri Oct 16 2009
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