MA 114-001
Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications

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Test 2 is Thursday, October 1.
The test will be on Secs. 3.1 - 3.2.
Calculators may be used for arithmetic only.
Please bring a blue book for taking the test. If you do not, we will still grade your test, but we will not be responsible if part of it is lost.
You may bring to the test one sheet of paper with whatever you find useful written on it. (You may use both sides of the paper if you want.)
Things you should be able to do:
Recognize standard and nonstandard linear programming problems.
Set up a linear programming problem, even a nonstandard one: identify the variables, write an equation for what is to be maximized or minimized, write the constraints as a system of inequalities.
Use the simplex method to solve both standard and nonstandard linear programming problems.
For problems with just two variables, be able to graph the feasible region; label boundary lines as x=0, y=0, u=0 (u is a slack variable), etc.; find the basic solution associated with a simplex tableau and find the corresponding point on the graph.
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Last modified Tue Sep 29 2009
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