MA 103Q-002
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics: Mathematics and Politics
Material on Test 2
Dominated strategies and Nash equilibria for zero-sum games. "Game Theory and Strategy," pp. 11 - 12, exercises 1, 2, 3. On exercise 3, omit the "movement diagrams." I suggest finding Nash equilibria by the "circle and box" method described in lecture.
Mixed strategies for zero-sum games. Problems assigned Feb. 25.
Game trees: solution by rollback. "Game Theory and Strategy," pp. 42-43, exercises 3, 5a.
Dominated strategies, Nash equilibria, and Pareto optima for non-zero-sum games. "Game Theory and Strategy," p. 72, exercises 2ab; last problem assigned March 5. I suggest finding Nash equilibria by the "circling" method described in lecture.
Commitments, promises, and threats. Problems assigned March 19, 1-5; problems assigned March 23.
Constructing and analyzing game theory models: "Game Theory and Strategy," p, 80, exercise 5; p. 92, exercises 3ab.
Three-person games: Problems assigned March 26.
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Last modified Tue Mar 30 2004
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